Sunday, November 23, 2008

Department of Public Works

On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 4:27 PM, Gade, Derek


 The meeting was scheduled today for an update from the Traffic Engr,

 Bill Darnell.  He mistakenly put it on his schedule for tomorrow

 instead and missed the meeting today.  We reset the meeting for

 tomorrow in the afternoon.  I should have more answers later this week.







Thursday, November 13, 2008

department of public Works

From: Gade, Derek []
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2008 9:52 AM

Subject: RE: Jamacha Boulevard Widening


Due to some substantial issues that are pending namely funding and legal issues, there is no set schedule at this time.  We continue to work with the developer, the bonding company, Otay Water District, and the community to move this project forward.  We understand the communities frustration with the lack of progress.  We have laid out a plan to work to move the project forward.  Many of the steps will take time to complete and build off each other.  We anticipate approval from the Otay Water District on use of the existing pipe in the field and the completion of the traffic study as the next major steps. I hope to get more answers next week from Otay Water District and anticipate seeing the traffic study by the beginning of Dec.

Please feel free to contact me if you have more questions.



Derek R. Gade, P.E.

Public Works Manager

Private Development Construction Inspection

County of San Diego

(858) 514-4673

5201 Ruffin Rd., Suite D M.S O-336

San Diego, CA 92123

(858) 694-2354 fax

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

department of public Works

From: Gade, Derek
Date: Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 8:24 AM
Subject: RE: Jamacha Boulevard Widening
To: ------------


We had a productive meeting with the Traffic Engineer, Mr. Darnell, who is preparing the revised traffic study.  Due to the number of additional roads and intersections that are shown on the original approved plan, Mr. Darnell had some questions on how to deal with which ones are truly required for circulation.  The County's Traffic Engineer, Bob Goralka, provided guidance to him on what to consider as part of his analysis.  We now expect to see a draft report from Mr. Darnell by the first week of Dec.



Friday, October 24, 2008

department of Public Works

 On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 6:19 AM, Gade, Derek




 I have been conversing with the consulting Traffic Engineer about the study.  It is not done yet.  I have asked for a revised schedule.  He had to receive to receive some traffic modeling information from SANDAG and he just received it.  I hope to have the revised schedule  date by early next week.  We are also eagerly awaiting the results of

 this report!

  By the way Gosnell, developer, is still working with Otay to get approval to move forward with the waterline improvements.  Once Otay provides approval to move forward, a contractor is ready to move forward with the remaining water improvements along the section with the krail.

 Have a nice weekend.





Tuesday, August 19, 2008

department of Public Works

 On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 2:23 PM, Gade, Derek




 Pointe Communities have executed the agreement with the traffic

 engineer to perform the study. It should be completed mid to late







Wednesday, August 13, 2008

department of Public Works

 On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 2:01 PM, Gade, Derek


  I'm on it.  You can see Ric's response below as a follow to mine.

  I hope


  hear the status any day now.  I will pass on once I get it.

  Please feel


  to check back in with me by Friday if you have not heard from me.







department of Public Works

    On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 12:51 PM, Gade, Derek wrote:



  County approved the scope and etc.  As a result, Ric Williams

  from Pointe Communities has issued the contract to Mr. Darnell,

  Traffic Engineer, to start work.  Ric is awaiting his

  acknowledgement and a start date.





Ric Williams

  From: Ric Williams []

  Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 10:26 AM

  To: Gade, Derek

  Subject: RE: TM 4828-1 Jamacha Blvd revised Traffic Study



  I have a message in for him today.  I signed and sent the contract

  to him


  Friday with your proposed modifications handwritten in.  He hasn't


  his acceptance of those changes; I don't believe they would pose a





  Ric Williams

  Pointe & Gosnell Builders

  3130 Bonita Road, Suite 200

  Chula Vista, California 91910

  (619) 691-1800

  (206) 339-7125 (FAX)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Mr. Derek Gade

On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 11:53 AM, Gade, Derek wrote:

  Traffic Study's revised comments were submitted today for County


  Estimate time to complete study is 14 weeks from approval.

  County will review revised comments and respond to developer








Thursday, July 24, 2008

From Mr. Pat Donnelly

On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 1:18 PM,


  I am a project manager for Gosnell Builders and one of my

  Responsibilities is the subject project.  I have been working with Derek Gade and others in the San Diego County Department of Public Works to improve the biking conditions along the portion of Jamacha northeast bound lane bordered by K-rail and/or find an alternative detour routing.

I explored several alternative routes between the intersection of Grand Avenue/Jamacha and Spring Glen Lane/Jsmscha.  All routes were determined to be "unreasonable" because of use of private streets and/or very steep grades.

I have also looked at the possibility of moving the K-rail

  Along Jamacha 3 to 4 feet back from the travel lane.  This is feasible in some areas but not others because of buried and damaged pavement.  This would result in cyclists popping in and out of the travel lane.  It seems to me that this might be risky to the cyclists.

If you have any other ideas on this issue, please feel free to call or e-mail me.  My direct telephone number is 619-591-1720.  I look forward to hearing from you.

Pat Donnelly