Thursday, May 14, 2009

department of public Works

On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 4:31 PM, Gade, Derek wrote:

 Sorry for the delay in responding to you.  I've been gone on vacation

 and just got back. Gosnell, the developer, is finishing up getting

 bids from Errecas, the contractor, to remove portions of the krail and

 improve the stormwater devices to minimize erosion.  We also have

 asked them to remove some debris and other piles along the section.  I

 hope to see final cost for this work next week.  We are waiting on the

 contractor.  Gosnell will be submitting their revised Traffic Control

 plan so they can renew their Traffic Control permit with us.


 We have been working on reviewing the revised Traffic Study, the 3rd

 reiteration.  We are also preparing a cost estimate associated with

 all remaining improvements.  We are working to have another meeting

 with the bonding company late in May or early June.


 We have told Gosnell, they will need to purchase new pipes.


 That's where we are.   I will let you both know as soon as I have a

 date for the krail removal.


